Those Girls Next Door

People in this small town think we're sisters, but we're actually a legally married gay couple fresh from NYC. The more you find out about us, the more you'll see that we really are just those girls next door!

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

The Unhopeful Garden

We are unhopeful gardeners right now. Massive rains have saturated our back yard and made it pretty much impossible for us to get out there and start building and digging up our gardens. With the three inches of snow-coating we got Sunday, who knows if our peas will survive. AND...our pepper plants are most definitley NOT sprouting. A very discouraging beginning. I know that the sun will come out some day, and the wet ground will dry up, and something will beging growing and sprouting and then I'll forget all the woe my non-existant garden has caused me this spring.


At 2:34 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is great info to know.


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