Those Girls Next Door

People in this small town think we're sisters, but we're actually a legally married gay couple fresh from NYC. The more you find out about us, the more you'll see that we really are just those girls next door!

Saturday, August 19, 2006

Avoiding the Mail Ladies

My baby S. was on the Springfield Channel 22 News on Wednesday night. No, she didn't committ a crime, or do anything wrong (really). We happened to be out in the yard starting to dig up yet another garden when Handsome News Man emerged from the 22 News van to ask us what we thought about the Russell Biomass Plant, which is supposed to be built at the end of our street. There is a lot (I mean a lot) of opposition to the construction of this plant, as well as some supporters whose views have kind of been lost in all the protest over the problems it would cause the town. Handsome News Man was looking for someone who hadn't made up their mind yet, and as newcomers to the neighborhood, we were the ones. (I happen to think it didn't hurt that we were 2 kind of cute girls who just moved here from Manhattan, where Handsome News Man was from!)

S. did a great job (after going inside to change out of her gardening clothes into something nicer) and articulately explained her position. And it was all truthful--we really don't know enough of the project and don't want to be swept up in the hype of it all before getting all of the facts. Check out the news story here, and for a more comprehensive view of the whole plan, the Boston Globe wrote a fantastic article on it a couple of weeks ago in the Sunday paper.

At any rate, S. felt like she had to duck when she went into the post office yesterday, thinking everyone would be glaring at her for agreeing to speak on camera. In a small town, these are the things you have to think about!


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